Out now: Drugstore at OTTO! 

  • Over 11 million active customers
  • High-quality product range
  • A partnership for success

Out now: Drugstore at OTTO! 

  • Over 11 million active customers
  • High-quality product range
  • A partnership for success

We are growing: Drugstore becomes its own category

Introducing the drugstore category and placing it in the top navigation is a logical step for us: The online market for products in this area is growing continuously. You can exploit this potential with us. Be one of the first and benefit from a particularly high visibility through central placement on otto.de.

Why you should join OTTO Market

  • We will expand your customer base by over 11 million active users
  • otto.de receives up to 35 orders a second
  • We have an average of 3 million qualified visits a day
  • Our strict criteria ensure a high-quality product range

We don't let just anyone in! 

A few things first: not just anybody can join the platform. It may seem strict at first, but it’s due to an important principle: At otto.de, we only offer our customers products that we would buy ourselves. We hold our retailers to the same standards of quality.

Our requirements:

  • Selling on our website requires you have a business in Germany with a German legal form and a German tax ID
  • As a retailer on otto.de you are the actual merchant interacting with the end customer and you offer your own customer service in German
  • You handle shipments to end customers and returns through a German warehouse

Are we a good fit? 

Overview of the "Drugstore" category

Do you sell hair, oral and facial care products? Do you offer deodorants or body care products? What about cleaning products?

Then you have come to the right place. From now on, all drugstore products can be sold at OTTO with a VAT rate of 19%.







You can find a detailed list of products, that can be sold via the marketplace in the following overview:

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Fee & Commission 

The monthly basic fee is € 39.90 regardless of the number of products you offer. The basic fee applies after you have concluded the contract with us and you are technically able to sell products on otto.de. The contract can be terminated at any time with one month's notice to the end of the month.  

In addition, if an item is sold successfully, you will also pay a commission that is customary in the market and is determined by the product group.

Product GroupCommission*
Drugstore items10%

*Commission includes 2.3% payment fee

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